In this fast tutorial, you’ll learn how to draw a rocket in simple stages, which is ideal for kids and beginners. These pictures show what a complete rocket ship drawing would look like, as well as the necessary procedures. Below is a list of individual step by step pictures with easy instructions, through which you can build a nice-looking spaceship.
Facts About Rocket Ship: Rockets have always been a part of science fiction and reality. Rockets include things like fireworks, missiles, and space shuttles. The first rockets were developed in China in the 1200s. The military utilized gunpowder to provide their power for them. In the Middle East, they were used. Within a century after their invention, they conquered America and Europe. During the song, “Star-Spangled Banner a banner “Francis Scott Key notably alludes to the United States national anthem. In combat, rockets are utilized. The first modern rocket was built in 1926. The techniques improved after World War II, and by the 1960s, rockets were being used to transport outside of the atmosphere.
Know-it-all Before You Start…
- Drawing Materials: Drawing Sheet, Pencil, Eraser, Water Color/ Crayons
- Expected Time: 50 minutes (Including Coloring)
- Difficulty Level: Moderate
Rocket Drawing Instruction :
Step 1: First draw a plus sign for the structure of the body of the rocket ship.

Step 2: Complete the rocket body.

Step 3: Draw the tail segment.

Step 4: Add the flame to the tail of the rocket.

Step 5: Now add a circle above the plus sign in the body.

Step 6: Add the wings of the rocket ship.

Step 7: Again add the rest of the wings.

Step 8: Now add the details on the head.

Step 9: Add the windows.

Step 10: Now complete the picture by coloring the rocket.

How to Draw a Rocket Step by Step
If you are a newbie in art with no prior experience, this step-by-step picture will help you in a manner that no one else can. Download the free printable guide before you start rocket drawing.